From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold Fronted In

I would say snowed in, but the snow was left in northern parts of the US and what we get here in the Keys is 'merely' the winterish remains in the form of a cold front. Lots of wind which churns up the water and makes it a very good idea to stay in one place. You can always find something to complain about and weather is good for that, but if we're not careful we'll exchange complaining about work and weather in England for boat fixing and weather in the Keys - let's not do that!

But there are similarities to being snowed in when cold fronted in, can't go anyplace, don't want to spend too much time outside (because it's cold!), have to find things to do inside. With the right perspective though, it's nice to have some time to get inside things done and we're making the most of it. And since this cold front isn't really that cold (not like Cayo Costa was!), we're just snuggled up inside with a big list of 'Things To Do On a Blustery Day':

- Plan our trip to the Bahamas, read the charts and map out the best route
- Make popcorn and watch movies (thanks, Jess!)
- Start my needlepoint project that Steve bought me two years ago for my birthday (from a great shop in Grassington)
- Drink hot cocoa in the cold sunshine
- Play guitar and saxaphone
- Get the $^&*(%$ HF radio sending emails and receiving weather faxes (I used to be an IT Director, for goodness sake, I will NOT be bested by a mere radio!)
- Do the business plan for 2009 (you didn't really think we would do NO business, did you?!)
- Make pizza!

And Steve has very kindly consented to a Bananagrams competition which commences tomorrow! This is to determine who is the ultimate resident Bananagrams champion. I contend that the title already belongs to me (nader and heil are legitimate words, aren't they? They must be somewhere!), but he's determined to have it! There will also be more cocktail experimentation, perhaps a hot cocktail?

Note to Claire while I'm thinking of it - the boat cookbooks have been fantastic! We use them every single day and the recipes are excellent - they'd even be very good for land-based cooking! And your blog entry made me laugh!


  1. OK, I just want to know how cold is cold where you are? It was 5 degrees this morning here in NH. Are we talking the same thing? Madge

  2. Hey, there is no central heating or woodstove on this boat - are you sleeping in 50 degree weather? If so we'll talk! K
