From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beginning Your Adventures

"Begin your adventures as early as you can.  I promise you, you will not get burned out.  It actually becomes the most enjoyable way to spend time on Earth, as opposed to just pacing the cage."   Jimmy Buffett, A Pirate Looks at Fifty
Common 'wisdom' is that you have to put off your adventures until retirement.  (And when I say adventures, I'm talking about doing what you want to do.)  Our philosophy is a bit different, adventures begin when you are in your prime and ready to have those adventures, and you define when that is - not the media, not the government and not those with 'common' wisdom.  Your prime can be when you're in your 20's and you're physically prime.  Your prime may be in your 70's when you're mentally and experientially prime.  Or perhaps you'll decide that you can have several primes, or many.
There is a fallacy that we must first work and then have our adventures.  The adventures must wait.  With today's technology and some lifestyle choices, that is no longer the route necessary.  Just because somebody says you must work and then retire, doesn't make it so.  You can have your adventures throughout your life or you can have them early on and then work at something you love.
And also, just because someone says you must retire and sit in a rocking chair at 65 (or 68 or whatever 'they' say these days) doesn't mean you have to do that either.   You could have some adventures and then do something that you find really interesting, that perhaps brings in an income.  With the internet, no one knows whether you're 10 or 90.  That age discrimination you would encounter in an office doesn't exist behind a computer screen.
Have your adventures, have your work, have both - in the order that you choose.

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