From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And We're Off!

Yesterday was a day of restocking, in a couple of ways - provisions and perspective.

Provisions: Before we headed back to the UK, we did the majority of provisioning necessary to get us ready for three months in the Bahamas. There are no Targets or Tescos or Publix or ASDAs in the Bahamas (except perhaps in Nassau) so it's bring what you need or go without. After yesterday's fresh food provisioning, the boat is full and I cannot think of anything else we could need (but I'm sure as soon as we leave the marina I'll think of something!). We have fresh fruit and veg (short term eat-this-week stuff and veg that will last a month), we have dairy with sell-by dates carefully checked to make sure it will last until April or May, the freezer is full and there is a plan for using meat more as a part of the meal rather than the focus of it (think of chicken curry rather than a hunk of steak). There are so many tins that if the water tanks are low, the boat lists to one side! And of course, a sufficient quantity of red wine to be enjoyed of an evening!

Perspective: We tend to be very forward looking and often are on to the next project before we've finished the one we are in. Being in the UK was great because we spent quite a bit of time planning out the rest of the year and all the things we'll be doing going forward. BUT, it's also important to focus on what we're doing now! We've both dreamt of this for years and shouldn't rush through this because there are other enticing, fun things to do on the horizon!

I think part of that focus has happened because of the 'lovely' weather we've had so we're really looking forward to getting back on track and finding that sailing experience that we spent so long dreaming about and worked so hard to get to. So, with that in mind, the boat is ready to go and we're off!

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