From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Are You..Retired?

This a very interesting question and one that we get asked a lot. Depending
on who asks the question the answer can range from:

"On sabbatical" - recruiters (always want to leave the door open!)
"Taking some time out" - business associates
"Retired" - the easy answer to the question when we don't want to be
bothered with a detailed explanation

But retirement isn't a word that covers what we're doing. The word
retirement covers an ending, a slow down, sleeping - to retire. That's not

This is taking a period of time during one's peak and seeking out /
experiencing a specific lifestyle. Using the prime of your life to explore
a peak experience. This may last a set period of time or extend out
indefinitely. The word retirement as it is used today doesn't cover that.
Other language that is commonly used revolves around work, non-working,
implying that work is the center and the rest of life is what's left. In
many instances that is the case, but should it be? The focal point here is
not about not working, it is about living.

We figure that since we are in our prime (and that's defined by the
individual not the age!), we'll start out by calling this period Prime Time.
There's probably a better word out there, but we like this right now because
it's not about retiring and it has no relationship to work. Prime Timing -
using the prime of your life to explore a peak experience - that covers the
concept a bit better for me (it's still not a short answer though!).

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