From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gin Palaces Everywhere!

A 'gin palace' - something which is completely over the top, perhaps a bit gaudy, flashy. Nassau is filled with gin palaces and most of them are floating on the water. Haven't seen so many yachts since Monte Carlo, all scattered about three, four, and five stories tall. They're crusing in and out of the harbor and clustered around the foot of the Atlantis Resort. There is some serious money down here, wonder where it all comes from?

We're still snuggly tied to the dock here having decided to take a couple
days to explore Nassau after reprovisioning and doing boat chores - it would
be a shame to stop, do laundry and then move on without seeing the sights,
don't you think?

Had a Bahamian Chinese in the cockpit last night, not as good as Key West
Chinese or Westchase Chinese, but it hit the spot. Watched all the lights
come on in the harbor and the boats going by, beautiful! Steve's fortune
cookie was great -'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.'

This morning we walked into town (today town, tomorrow Paradise Island).
Nice little cruise port town with loads of jewelry stores and a straw market
(which must be the code name for handbag market). Had a coffee and watched
the people go by.

Steve commented that there was a lot of government about. Hmmm, wonder
where that came from?! (The Bahamas were a British colony until 1973!)

Think it was about 5 miles in all back and forth so there was a much needed
post lunch nap - you get out of walking condition sitting on the boat for
days on end!

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