From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Taking Control of Your Life and Doing What You Want to Do

If the path you're on is the path of the Triple C (cradle, cubicle, coffin) and that's not what you want out of life, it's probably time to take control and start doing what you want to do. Take control, you say, what do you mean?

Taking control and getting what you want. Getting what YOU want, hmmm, that sounds a bit selfish. Taking control, sounds a bit agressive, perhaps a bit off the beaten path. Don't see many other people taking control of their lives. Is that really what I should be doing? Well, if you don't, who will?

Think about it, what motivation does anyone have to give you what you want out of life? Does your boss want to see you living out your dreams? Nope, he wants you right at your desk, making a profit and making him look good. Government, not really, there's that whole make lots of money and pay lots of taxes thing. Shops, advertisers, media - definitely not - big focus there on keeping you as a productive consumer. Your family, in some instances yes, in some instances no. So if you're not going after what you want, nobody else really has any motivation to get you there either. If you don't do it, nobody else is going to ensure that you get to do what you want to do in this lifetime.

So, are you in control or are you simply floating along in whatever direction the influences in life (work, media, society, government) push you in? Are you really doing the things you want to do in your life or are you doing 'what's expected of you'? If you've thought about it and you really want to do what's expected of you because that's your preference, then that is great. But, many of us fall into the trap of doing what's expected of us because that's the only option we're presented with and we don't know enough to look for others. 'You WILL go to college / university, you will get a job in business, you will get a mortgage, have 2.5 children, get a promotion, get a larger mortgage and a bigger car, retire at 65' - any of that sound familiar? How many of us have thought that was the only path and never looked for alternatives?

And you know what? There are as many alternatives out there as there are different people out there!

That's very much what this site is about, to explore what the alternatives are, to move beyond what's expected of you, to learn how to take control and get what you want out of life rather than what others (rightly or wrongly) may want for you. How to define what are the things you want to do during your 750,000 hours and then how to go out and get them!

If this is the only time you've got, shouldn't you make the most of it?

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