From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dream Vampires

As you think about and start to put together your plans for your ideal lifestyle, you start to get really excited about them.  The whole business is very exciting!  You get so excited that you want to share those plans with the folks you know and the folks you love.  Let me give you a tip here, DON'T!  Do-not-do-this!  If you want to have the wind taken out of your sails faster than you can say big dream, share your vaguely formulated dream with someone you know and listen as they 'helpfully' tear your dream to shreds, 'kindly' providing you with all of their insights into how your dream cannot possibly work.
Actually many of the people you know and love won't do that (at least not intentionally), but a few will and as they are tearing your dream to shreds, your motivation melts away at the same time.  There may be no malice in them at all and they may truely believe they are being helpful, but some people just don't 'get' dreams.They are so down to earth and practical, dreaming doesn't make sense to them.  Either way, intentional or not, they suck the life out of your dreams and leave you holding a hollow shell.  I call them Dream Vampires, avoid them like the plague!
Share your dream very carefully because when it is in its infancy (especially if this is your first foray into living your dreams) it is very delicate.  It is not fully formed, the whys and whyfores are not completely thought out, all the t's have not been crossed and the i's dotted, you don't know how it's all going to work - you're just at the beginning, for goodness sake!  And if at this stage you are grilled, 'But what about this?' 'Have you thought about that?' 'How's this going to work?' and 'Oooohhh, I don't think that's a very good idea', you might lose confidence and run right back to your safe little house, TV, mall, or cubicle.  Dream Vampires suck away your confidence, your energy and enthusiasm.  That is NOT what you need at this stage of the game!
Plan and discuss your dream and your plan with your partner, if you're a pair.  If you're a singleton, is there someone who always supports your ideas and who just thinks you're wonderful?  That's the person to bounce your new thoughts and visions off of.  And during Dream Infancy, your dream is your own special secret, not ready to be shared with a wider audience yet.
Stay away from the Dream Vampires until you're fully protected, until your dreams move out of infancy, when you have a complete (and perhaps cast in stone) plan for how you're going to move to your ideal lifestyle and maybe you've even already done many of the steps in the plan.  If you're already on your way, it's easy to just ignore the Dream Vampires!

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