From Birth Until Age 85, You Have 750,000 Hours - How Will You Spend Them?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

West Bay Bound

Sitting out the weather in West Bay, which is actually fine with us. As
you'll see from the pictures, it's a rather nice place to sit tight while
the wind blows itself out. Much nicer than bouncing around on all the waves
kicked up by these winds!

It's amazing that after close to five months of the two of us living on the
boat with very little outside influence we still find things to talk about.
You'd think we'd have nothing left to say. Each day we have a long
conversation about something and I'm pleased to say it is more than a long
discussion about the weather (although we do have those too!). The topics
have drifted and changed along the way. We speak very little about work
anymore and much more on things that one or the other has been thinking

Yesterday was a Red Book Review and we spent about 5 hours talking about the
goals we had set at the beginning of the year and where we were on them.
Some things are holding steady, but some are being adjusted as we get used
to (and find we really enjoy) our new lifestyle. Most things are on target,
some we can't start until we get home, some needed tweaking and we added
some. If we'd been in the midst of the hurly-burly, we wouldn't have spent
so much time, would have had more of a 'here's what we've done', a 'look how
far we've come!' and 'here's what we need to do next'. Yesterday was the
first time we've done an RBR having the luxury of time to have a big
discussion around it.

Yesterday was also the (newly) traditional 'Blowing Like Stink Pizza and a
Movie Night'. Steve was well enough to make a Stevie Special Pizza and it
was the best one so far, he's really getting the hang of this and we've
decided there will be pizza making parties and movie nights over the summer
(could be a 'Chucking it Down with Rain Pizza and Movie Night' when we're in
Blackburn!). No more Dominos for us.

It's been romantic movie week at Chez Snowbird with Music and Lyrics last
night and an earlier watching of Meet Joe Black. Steve says, "That Brad
Pitt is an ugly little bugger, isn't he?"

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